Openfire on Leopard


Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but I have tried to load openfire on my new mac, and for some reason I cannot log in to my admin account screen to confirgure, and now it is telling me to "To re-run setup, you need to stop your appserver, delete the “setup” property from the openfire.xml file, restart the server, then reload the setup tool. "

Unfortunately I cannot work out what that means, nor how I am meant to achieve this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, as the information I can find only seems to refer to OS 10.4 and not 10.5?

I am not that technical, so the use of Termial is a whole new world to me, but that being said, I am willing to try…

Any and all help is much appreciated.


harley1066 wrote:

"To re-run setup, you need to stop your appserver, delete the “setup” property from the openfire.xml file, restart the server, then reload the setup tool. "

openfire.xml is in Openfire installation directory (dont know exactly where it should be on mac), and you need to change

in the bottom of that file. With any text editor. And you have to stop Openfire server before that.