Openfire Properties

In theory setting

ldap.pagedResultsSize= some_positive_integer

will trigger Ldap Paged results. So it will be possible to fetch more than 1000 records from AD

xmpp.muc.history.maxNumber = 0 does not appear to work for us. Also set with this: xmpp.muc.history.type and tried “none” and “0” but the conference rooms still show previous conversations. Everything else works GREAT so far. LDAP is a significant advantage.

Can someone please update the list? Thanks

Fyi, sasl.approvedRealms is the property used by DefaultAuthorizationPolicy (Openfire 4.0.1 Javadoc) for its “Be in the list of acceptable realms” check.

There is also route.really-all-resources which seems to be set to true for route.all-resources to work.

I have tried route.reall-all-resources a while ago and it didn’t make any difference. It works the same as route.all-resources and route.all-resources work without that additional property (not sure if this property is in the code at all).

Ah, quite right. I mis-read the code; there’s a fair chunk of code that is simply skipped if it’s set to true, the default value tripped me up. It’s definately in use, though - see /openfire/spi/ (also line 567)

It looks like “really” one has been added with the carbons feature. But i don’t know what it is supposed to do (not a developer). In my tests i didn’t see difference adding it. Although i probably haven’t tried to add them both at once.

I had another look at this;

route.really-all-resources = true will send message to all sessions with a non-negative priority

route.all-resources = true will send messages to all sessions **that share the highest **non-negative priority

So if all your sessions have the same priority, there’s no practical difference.


I see. Good catch.

Another property for the list;

session.stalled.cap (default 5242880 - i.e. 5 MB)

If there are more than this number of bytes waiting to be written to a connection session, then it’s assumed that the session has stalled and it will be closed, resulting in a message similar to the following to be logged;

2016.11.03-07:02:24.198 [] - About to kill session with pendingBytes: 5242910 pendingWrites: 0 lastWrite: Thu Nov 03 06:18:11 CET 2016session: (SOCKET, R: /, L: /, S:

2016.11.03-07:02:24.198 [] - ConnectionHandler: Closing session that seems to be stalled. Preventing OOM
