Openfire Server Window

I just upgraded to the latest version of Openfire. Now I am having a problem that whenever the Openfire Server window is closed (the service is still running), everything in Spark stops working. There is no connection and the console will not open either. Any ideas?

So I tried a full reset; cleared the DB, uninstalled Openfire, re-installed Openfire, re-run the setup. Everything works great but I’m still having the same issue; even with the service running, if I close the Openfire server GUI window, everything in Spark loses connectivity. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It looks as though the problem is with the service itself. I tried doing an uninstall from an elevated command prompt. The uninstall failed with:

Stopping service ‘Openfire’.

Error while stopping service

Uninstalled service ‘Openfire’.

All subsequent install/uninstall attempts are failing. Suggestions?

is this on a windows server?

it sounds like you are starting Openfire from the GUI launcher. I’ve not used the windows version of Openfire in ages, however I believe that GUI lancher does not start the windows server… and if you close that window, it closes Openfire.

To set it up as a windows service, you should follow this guide: guide.html

scroll down to the “Windows Service” section.

Have you tried restarting the Windows box and then uninstalling the service? Also, have you tried uninstalling it with Windows command (sc delete)?

That was it. Once I restatered the server, the sevice disappeared and I was able to successfully restart it. The service is running and no more issues with Spark.

I guess it should be noted that there may be issues with the upgrade not properly re-installing the service and that it may need to be done manually post install. I believe I saw one other thread mentioning this kind of issue with other people in a Windows environment.

Thank you everyone for your help!!

I think upgrade process doesn’t include updating of the service itself. Documentation is only for the initial installation and doesn’t cover upgrades. Which should be useful to have. Though there are so many paths (different OS’es, different packages) and nuances, that it will be a huge task to compile one…

Perhaps a community effort? I’d be willing to help where I can.

Well, you can create a document, say “Upgrading Openfire on Windows” and provide your guide on how it should be done. Then if someone will search forums for upgrading on windows, they probably will stumble on your document (though search is not very good here).