Openfire+Spark+SSO work with domain level 2008?

Hi! I need help. Tell me please Openfire 4.0.2+Spark 2.7.7+SSO work with domain level 2008?

sso can be tricky.

How to Setup SSO on Windows Server 2008r2/2012r2 with a Domain level of 2008r2/2012r2

I set up a test server with a domain level p2 2008, I configure the openfire server, set up on your instructions, but it does not work. The client can not connect to the server, an error “Unable to connect using SSO. Please check your principal and server settings.” On the Openfire server I see the following error: “ - User Login Failed. Failure to initialize security context”. Сlient successfully connects to the server using login and password.

check the following

krb5 file is correct

your keytab and spn match your xmpp domain

those seem to be the most common mistakes.