OpenFire web chat + Windows + IIS

We have been successfully using the OpenFire server with Spark client, using a windows XP machine with IIS as the server. However, we now have need to use a web chat for some of our users who will be in places where they will not be able to download anything. We tried working with JWChat and Jeti, but they seem to have issues with IIS and windows in general, and all of their support basically says don’t do it. Is there some other easy way to allow someone to sign in on our server through a web-based chat? I have not found any options that work with windows + IIS.


First of all IIS is not needed for openfire or spark. Second you could use SparkWeb found at It does not care what web server you use.

I don’t mean to sound negative, but I read the response to your question and I can see that it wouldn’t help you too much. I have a simular (test) openfire setup as you. I have been running openfire on a xp box and have about 20 users in my school district using our openfire server. After I finish this post I will serach for the post on this fourm that helped me get openfire working with sparkweb. I wasn’t able to get sparkweb to work with IIS, because I lack the understanding of how that web server works. Since I installed sparkweb, someone else may have posted a how to for iis, but wat the time I was trying to install sparkweb with iis there was not a faq/ how to on these forums. You will want to download apache for windows and the sparkweb files from the igniterealtime website.

Install it. Make sure you do not have other web servers running on the same ports as the server you are installing Apache on. Download sparkweb and decompress the files into a directory in the apache web server directory. You will also need to forward ports on your firewall/router to the ip address of your openfire/sparkweb/apache server. There is a xml file you will need to edit and enter in your openfire ip address. Again, I am going off the my memory and I will need to search for the post that contains information on the setup. I would suggest doing a serach of the forums using the search terms: sparkweb, iis, apache… I’ll do a search myself and I might have book marked the post, so when I get into work I will take a look.

you do not need apache for windows. If you have a working IIS server, you need only extract the SparkWeb zip file, edit the config, and copy the files to the web folders you have configured in IIS. Nothing else should be needed. It really is that simple, as long as you have your IIS and SparkWeb configured correctly.

Also he was asking for a product that would work with IIS, which is what was provided. The question made it seem as though he was not aware of SparkWeb. He specifically stated he needed a product tha twould run in IIS and what products he already looked at. You actually did not address his question as it was posed.

Hello… I have the SparkWeb loaded under Apache (on MS Vista Home Premium). Where is the XML or Config file located that needs to be updated?

sixthring wrote:

you do not need apache for windows. If you have a working IIS server, you need only extract the SparkWeb zip file, edit the config, and copy the files to the web folders you have configured in IIS. Nothing else should be needed. It really is that simple, as long as you have your IIS and SparkWeb configured correctly.

Also he was asking for a product that would work with IIS, which is what was provided. The question made it seem as though he was not aware of SparkWeb. He specifically stated he needed a product tha twould run in IIS and what products he already looked at. You actually did not address his question as it was posed.


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