Openfire with MS SQL Express database

Hi, I am trying to configure openfire server on windows server 2008 r2 with MS sql express advance 2008 database. As embedded DB can support only upto 1000 user maximun. unfortunately MS SQL express not able to configure. please anybody can help me . Error : A connection to the database could not be made. View the error message by opening the “/logs/error.log” log file, then go back to fix the problem.

You have to set your sql instance port from dynamic to something static. If its the only instance on the server, than you can use the default port of 1433. If its not the only sql instance, than you may want to use something else, like 2433.

Your connector setting should go like this. notice the (:slight_smile: after the port number!! very important!


here’s mine


Hope this helps

Also, you may want to update the driver that is used for openfire. you can download it here.

Also you can use the server name


[servername] - computer name maybe is the same as your openfire server name and not the sql server instance name.

Insure that the TCP port is set to 1433 for all IPs in the mssql configuration manager

this worked for me - SQL Server 2012