Openfire3.7.1 Security Information


I am looking for information such as what type of safety, security, and privacy features / facilities supported in Openfire3.7.1

Can someone please point me the location where can I find that information.



I am doing some research on Openfire3.7.1 security features / vulnerabilities.

Is there any wiki document with list of fixed and standing issues in Openfire3.7.1

P.S. Openfire 3.7.1. Documentation provides information for SSL Guide and LDAP Guide


There is a list of patched vulnerabilities, though it is not complete and some information is missing. I’m not sure what features you have in mind. Openfire supports SSL for administration and messaging, that’s the one i can think of.

Thanks wroot. Yes I am looking for information does Openfire 3.7.1 Server supports 1024 / 2048 bit SSL certificates or not.