Outlook Calendar

Wil spark look at outlook calendar for presense information (in a meeting, etc)?

I do not think that is possible. Outlooks calendar format is not an open standard.

The following posts mention potential Outlook integration for Spark:

Windows Presence information

Feature Request: Outlook Presence Integration

Spark/Outlook Integration

Top 5 Spark wishes for Spark

Outlook Calendar

  • $588 billion? Are you serious?

Outlook integration is much desired by our university. Any ideas when this might happen?



It certainly is possible. However, it needs someone with the time to write a plug-in to support it.

If it were me (and it won’ t be because I know little java) then I’d take advantage of Outlook Web Access rather than Outlook; a single GET request against an OWA server would let you get anyone’s free/busy information. So, in theory all you’d have to do is submit that request every so often and update your own status accordingly. The plug-in could take an OWA server, email address and auth details as parameters and go from there. Admittedly, all you’d get is free, busy or tentative, but that would probably be enough.

Or, you could write a spark plug-in and Openfire plug-in which talked to each other, then the details would just need storing once (on the openfire server) and it could use a mailbox enabled service account to get each user’s availability details.