Pàdé 1.2.0 released

The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the availability of Pàdé 1.2.0 .

This version upgrades Converse to version 4.2.0 and adds some other features. Please have a look at the Changelog for details.

For Users
To install, visit the Chrome Web Store. You have 3 branded versions to select from.

For Developers:
To get the best from Pàdé, you should download or clone the source, re-brand, set policies and upload your own version to the Chrome web Store for easy and mass deployment to your users. See the branding folder for details

For other release announcements and news follow us on Twitter


https://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/pade/index.jsp needs updating again :slight_smile:

Is that strictly true still? Can you select “Use an Anonymous identity” option to login anonymously?


You are quite correct. Anonymous users are not registered. Doh!!! I was in copy and paste mode