Pade link error

After removing the offocus provider plugin and updating the ofmeet plugin to V 0.9.5 and using Openfire server version 4.3.2, ofmeetings seems to be working fine. When trying to launch a meeting by clicking the video camera icon in PADE, a problem occurs. The meeting is successfully launched at the inviter’s end, but the link sent to the invitee is incorrect. It is missing the “/” after “ofmeet” and before the user-meeting id in the URL that is sent. editing the URL to add this slash allows the meeting to load. PADE Chrome Extension 1.0.1.

I have posted this in chat for @Dele_Olajide This is probably Pade’s error. Btw, Pade’s bug tracker is here and open, so you can file issues yourself (if you find one)

The problem has been fixed in latest Pade code, but can be corrected here

By adding the missing closing slash

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Thanks @wroot