Pade Meetings - Change Default MUC

I am looking to use a separate Group Chat service for our Meetings and keep it separate from the standard chat-only MUC service conference.

Is there a system property that I’m not finding that I can set for this? I’ve tried ofmeet.main.muc but it didn’t appear to do anything.

No, there isn’t. It only works with the default “conference” service. If you enable the lobby feature, it creates and uses a service called “lobby” as well.

I suggest you create a new service and use that for chat only.

There a parameter in the jitsi meet config that points at the group chat service to be used, but it is not respected in the ofmeet server-side code

  "hosts": {
    "domain": "",
    "focus": "",
    "muc": "",
    "bridge": ""