[patch]: Adding ADS Users with custom column jid,username,name or email


I was not satisfied with the current solution of adding Active Directory Users to my roster, as this used the userid by default.

At the end I found that a relative simple patch solved this issue (at least for me), please find the patch against trunk attached

With this patch you can choose in the search window, which column you want to set as nickname just by selecting it.

I’d be happy about feedback, please be aware that im far away from a programmer!

I just want to share my hack

Best Regards,


Message was edited by: mueller
select_column.patch (685 Bytes)

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In the attached screenshot I’ve marked the columns which you can select as nickname when adding a buddy to the roster

Ok. It took some time to figure out how it works. Actually you have to left click on a field in a column and not on a column name as i thought at first. I see what your patch is changing, but i think this could be confusing for some users without any explanation. Maybe the should be a text above the search results. Something like that: “To add a contact right click on a search result and select Add as a contact. Left click on a field to use it for a nickname in Add Contact dialog”.

Bernhard’s patch gave the the pointer to switch the default for Nickname field when adding a contact. Fixed: https://issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/SPARK-1021