Please disable auto-closing of threads after 3 months

It would be great to disable the auto-closing of threads after a certain time of inactivity in this forum. Sometimes, you only gain additional insight after a certain time, or you want to comment/remark on a given subject without splitting the knowledge into different threads.

I have only seen this setting in Smack sub forum. I guess @Flow decided to turn it on. You can move this thread to Smack Support, so he will notice it faster (click the pencil near the title and select a category).

From a random sample, I only see this enabled in the Smack category, as @wroot said. It seems to me that it has explicitly been turned on there.

I’m unsure if it’s possible for certain authors to be allowed to post to closed threads? Maybe that’d offer a workaround.

You can probably unlock the discussion if needed. Maybe Flow’s reasoning was that inactive threads should go away and don’t encourage other users to piggyback and post with the “i have the same issue”.

@Flow it’s nice that you’ve moved this thread back into the “General Discussion” section, but I actually had hoped that you would comment on the actual question. Thanks :slight_smile:

Since the Smack forums carry threads from over a decade, there are often people who hijack old posts in a “me too” fashion, which creates unnecessary noise. Closing old threads is a common approach to prevent that and to encourage users to create new topics where the posts contains more and up-to-date information. Furthermore Discourse tracks all links to other posts and threads very nicely and process them visually, which makes it easy to determine a thread as a continuation as another one (and to follow the other one).

I also don’t see that we even start to split knowledge over different threads. If nothing has happened in months, then it is probably a good idea to start a new thread anyway.

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