Plugin_Blacklist Help

I’m trying out Spark 2.6.1 and can already see that my employer will not like OTR since they monitor the IM communications periodically using the monitoring plugin for Openfire. Based on forum posts and it looks like I should be able to turn this plugin off by adding “Plugin_Blacklist=OTR Plugin” to the %AppData%\Spark\ file. However, this is not working. Am I doing this wrong?

I have added a detailed instruction on doing this into that wiki document. Maybe Wold will add it to the pdf itself to make it clear to everyone:

"You can do this in the source, compiling your own Spark version after changing the options you want. The file is located in trunk\src\java\org\jivesoftware\resource.

You can also change those settings in the already installed version of Spark. You should open the file \Spark\lib\spark.jar with an archiver (e.g. 7-zip), navigate to org\jivesoftware\resource\ and edit the file inside the archive. After doing all the changes you need, you can save that file. Usually an archiver will ask whether you want to repackage the archive (spark.jar is just a zip file). You should agree and then you will have a modified spark.jar file with your desired settings. You can then copy this file into any other installation of Spark. You should note that spark.jar will be overwritten with a subsequent Spark upgrade and all custom settings will be lost. So one should edit spark.jar and redistribute it to all the clients after every new Spark version release."

you need to modify which is hidden inside the spark.jar