Possible Bug in Shared Groups


Whatever I do in the shared groups setup I cannot get it to NOT include it in the roster of its members.

My understanding is, that when I activate shared roster groups for group A and choose to show them only in group B in the web GUI, they should not show up in the members Sparks of Group A.

BUT THEY DO! Bug or dumb admin?

Update: As soon as one activates this is the Wbgui it actually works for the logged on users of Group A (dont see each other, but being seen by group B). However as soone as users of Groups A logout and back in, the Group A is in their own Roster again! This looks even more like a bug now…



Hi Starry,

I don’‘t know if this testcase matches the problem you see, if it does I may create an issue. You did write something about restarting Wildfire, I didn’'t do this.



use the Wifi 2.6.2 web admin console:

create user u1 and u2

create group A with user u1 (Disable sharing group in rosters)

create group B with user u2 (Disable sharing group in rosters)

configure A with “Group Display Name A” and “Show group to members’’ rosters of these groups: B”

start 2x Spark 1.1.4:

Login u1 - this will be OK

Login u2 - A will be displayed as A with u1

Exit u1 => u2 will still see u1 online in A BUG/b

Exit u2

Login u2 - A is empty

Login u1 => u2 will see u1 still offline BUG/b

Relogin u2 - A will be displayed as A with u1


Thanks for joining forces.

NO, what you describe is (not yet) my problem, mine is this one:

Users Ext1 and Ext2 are members of group EXTERNALS

Users Tech1 and Tech2 are members of group TECHIES

  1. Now configure Group EXTERNALS with "Group Display Name “Externals” and “Show group to members’’ rosters of these groups: TECHIES”

  2. configure Group TECHIES with "Group Display Name “Techies” and “Show group to members’’ rosters of these groups: TECHIES + EXTERNALS”

As far as I understand it, that should show

a) Ext1, Ext2, Tech2 in the Roster of Tech1 (because of 1. & 2.)

b) Ext1, Ext2, Tech1 in the Roster of Tech2 (because of 1. & 2.)

c) Tech1, Tech2 in the Roster of Ext1 (because of 2.)

d) Tech1, Tech2 in the Roster of Ext2 (because of 2.)

Fact (bug?) is that

e) Ext1 sees ALSO Ext2 in his roster

f9 Ext2 sees ALSO Ext1 in his roster

According to the setup this should NOT happen, as only the techies should see the Externals?

If I wanted that the Externals do see each other (= case e) & f) )I would have also added

“Show group to members’’ rosters of these groups: EXTERNALS” (see 1. above) but I did NOT!

So why sees Ext1 his fellow Ext2 and Ext2 sees Ext1?

Got my problem now?


Hi Starry,

I did talk to Gato about it and did add both description as a comment to JM-701. The issues with the group chat are going to be resolved together so creating a new issue would not really help.



“I see bad moon rising…”[/i]

Take a look at JM-691 and you will see, that it suggests changing the docs instead of fixing what we both consider a bug! o-)



I did talk to Gato about it and did add both

description as a comment to JM-701. The issues with


it seems this problem is still there in version 3.0.1 (I have just upgraded from 2.6.2 and 2.4.1 in two different server). I am using Exodus, Spark and Jeti as clients, but the behaviour is the same described here.

Thanks in advance


of course the issues are not resolved, if you see a strike like JM-12 then the issue got resolved. You can also check the change log http://www.jivesoftware.org/builds/wildfire/docs/latest/changelog.html for resolved issues.


If I undestood correctly, JM-745 in the changelog for 3.0.1 says this bug is fixed, but I still have the problem. Should I do something in particular to get rid of it?