Ok, well, I gave up on getting the embedded database working with OpenFire. It was just for starters anyway. Now I’m trying with the PostgreSQL database, and although my database server is running fine and accepting connections from the OpenFire setup wizard, the OpenFire setup wizard cannot proceed past the Database Settings - Standard Connection page because when it attempts to login with default username and password from the schema (“admin” and “admin”), it fails to login successfully. Monitoring the logs for both OpenFire and PostgreSQL, I see the connection attempt and the connection fail. I see in the schema that the last step was:
INSERT INTO jiveUser (username, password, name, email, creationDate, modificationDate)
VALUES ('admin', 'admin', 'Administrator', 'admin@example.com', '0', '0');
so I am at a loss as to why this connection attempt is failing.
Any ideas?