Presence packet question

Hi all,

To test the IM client I’'m writing with Smack and SWT (always wondering, as written in my first thread, how to use thread properly… ), I use a BuddySpace IM client to check roster presence behaviour in my IM:

My test consists in:

3 users:

  • user1 is used with my IM client.

  • user2 and user3 are used with buddySpace IM client.

When I put presence status on “Online” for both user2 and user3, and when I login as user1 with my IM client, my packet listener which filters Presence type packet always print:

I cannot see how to read the presence of user2, because he is online, and the presence packet does not give any information about!!

Can you help me please?

NB: this appends with all kind of presence status…



The presence packet like you see for user2 indicates a presence type of available. Status is not a required part of the packet and if no type is there then it is available.

Hope that helps,


Hi Alex,

It’'s very helpful for packet interpretation…

Reading the smack documentation chapter about “Processing incoming packets”, and Javadoc related topics, I wonder if using a PacketCollector instead of a Packetlistener could help me to solve my thread problem between smack thread and swt thread; but I’'ve not found concrete example dealing with PacketCollector…

what do you think?

thx for reply… and congratulations for mindim…great job using smack and swing…
