Presence Plugin Quesion

it’‘s late and i’'m missing something from my memory

with the presence plugin, you have to query against port 9090. I’'ve port 9090 blocked from outside access. Is there anyway to create a page on my port 80 that could include the port 9090 call?

i’'m getting lazy this late and i should know this.

What we really need to do is create a proxy service that can repeat requests on port 80 for port 9090. For now, you’'ll probably want to hand-roll something like this yourself.



Thanks Matt. I’‘m going to take another stab at this myself today, I’'ll probably see about a webservice that can call the page on port 9090, then parse it out for display on port 80.

I really shouldn’'t try to be creative at near 2am on a saturday, if at all possible.

Here is my PHP-Solution for the problem:

<? $user = $_REQUEST["user"]; $handle = fopen("$user@jabber.mydomain.com9090/plugins/presence/status?jid=$","r"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Datum aus Vergangenheit header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // immer ge"ndert header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 header("Content-Type: image/png"); ob_start(); fpassthru($handle); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $fsize = strlen($result); header("Content-Length: $fsize"); echo $result; ?>




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Was a doublepost.

Got a “java.lang.outofmemory”-Message.



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