Probably an easy answer

Ok I will admit that I am pretty new to Linux and completely new to running wildfire. I have set up the server on a Core 5 machine and I can connect from that machine using the NICs IP address (It’‘s on a small Windows network for testing) but I can’'t seem to connect from another machine. One thing that I have noticed is that while the server name is the IP address the server prots are listing the IP address as Unknown. Is this acceptable and if not how can I fix this? In addition is there any just starting out documentation that people would recommend?



Hi Tim,

it may be a good idea to set an xmpp.domain / Server name and not using an IP address. Maybe you ddid this - if you want to get it listed in the web admin console then you need to add a line to /etc/hosts with the IP address and the server name.

You could check with “netstat -nl|grep 5222” whether Wildfire is listening on all interfaces - I bet it is. So try to run “iptables -L” whether you did enable a firewall or not.

What kind of documentation are you looking for? The existing could be indeed a little bit more informative…



Thanks for the response. I changed the IP to a name a server name. Wildfire is indeed listening on all interfaces I think output is as follows:

tcp 0 0 : : : 5222 :::* LISTEN

the iptable states that accept with the exception of the following:

reject all – anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

I am still somewhat puzzled that I can log onto it from the machine that it is installed on but when I try and connect another machine it hangs for a little bit and then gives a “unable to connect to host”. I suppose that I could install this on a windows box but that wouldn’‘t help me in my quest to better understand (or actually begin to understand) Linux. I know that there is probably something really basic that I am missing. I looked for the /etc/hosts but didn’‘t find it. Looked under the file system and root and even searched for it and couldn’'t find it.

I guess I was looking for some documentation that would be a little more step by step or a little more detailed in how to install and/or configure it. The stuff on the site seems like once you hit the admin console you’'re all set. Probably true for the Linux hardened and maybe I am biting off more Linux than I can currently chewed but seems that the more I have to push and pull on a subject the more I learn. As such I am not inclined to really try and turn away from this project or take a easier road (ie put it on windwos) and additional help you or anyone else can give me or even point me to would be appreciated. Also any site/books for the linux newbies would be appreciated. I have some books but always looking for recommendations from people in the field!




I went back after thinking about your firewall comment and took down the firewall. Seems I have to work on tuing the firewall. If you want shoot back a response so I can mark it ask “answered” instead of “helpful”



Hi Tim,

the Wiki pages like are usually a good resource to start with if you don’'t like

Try “cat /etc/hosts” to show the contents of the file - it should exist also within your installation. I assume you are not familar with vi or emacs so you may want to use another editor or learn some vi basics if yo uneed to edit it.