Problem building Sparkweb by the first time

Hi all,

i am been working with spark for some months, and now its time to sparkweb. this is a really good product. but i am just a novice with no experience in flash. After reading about flash, flex, making some hello world tutorial for eclipse with flex builder, and reading all articles i found about “how to start with sparweb”, like , i had problems:

  1. I work in windows xp

  2. I installed Adobe Flex Builder 3, to compile flash sources

  3. I download the full sparkweb sources from repository

by doing svn co

  1. I changed /build/build.xml

to my installation path

  1. I run ant 1.7 over /build/build.xml and i get many many errors:

Buildfile: D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\build\build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\target\sparkweb
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\target\sparkweb
[copy] Copying 4 files to D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\target\sparkweb
[copy] Copying 1 file to D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\target\sparkweb
[mxmlc] Loading configuration file D:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
[mxmlc] D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\SparkWebCommonComponents\com\jivesoftware\spark\MUCRoo mListItemRenderer.mxml(50): Error: unable to resolve ‘/assets/images/bookmark.png’ for transcoding
[mxmlc] [Embed(source="/assets/images/bookmark.png")]
[mxmlc] D:\javaprojects\Sparkweb\SparkWebCommonComponents\com\jivesoftware\spark\MUCRoo mListItemRenderer.mxml(50): Error: Unable to transcode /assets/images/bookmark.png.
[mxmlc] [Embed(source="/assets/images/bookmark.png")]

  1. I tried by adding classpath with assets dir to mxmlc target which fails first, like shown next, but nothing

classpath="${basedir}" in <mxmlc … >

I have searched with no luck. Any help will be appreciated.


I don’t know if my answer will be of any interest for somebody but i copied assets/images from main directory to SparkWebCommonComponents and the build was OK. The link contained in file images doesn’t seem to work.