Problem loading new users with sql

i have a very large user database i need to load into wildfire.

I’'m starting with a small test dump of 27 users, when I load them into the jiveUser table, jive can not see them, even after a restart.

Is there something else that needs to be done? users added with the admin interface work fine, but i fail to see where the diffrence is.



Hi Eric,

there is nothing more one must modify. I wonder if you did forget the commit; after inserting the users and before you did start Wildfire.

You can use either the plain-text password (which will as far as I know then never be converted to an encrypted one) like this:

INSERT INTO JIVEUSER VALUES(’‘foobar2’’,’‘foobar2’’,NULL,NULL,NULL,’‘001148764306824’’,’‘00114876430 6824’’);


or you use an encrypted password of another user and change the password later, like:

INSERT INTO JIVEUSER VALUES(’‘foobar2’’,NULL,’‘bcfe033062201a080c0cdb70b1eea0e5’’,NULL,NULL,’‘001148 764306824’’,’‘001148764306824’’);



Thanks LG for your help.

I figured out just this moment, that the problem is with my date format.

my other database i’'m importing from used a created date that looks like:


something choked on the unexpected format… removing the dashes solved the issue.



for the embedded database and maybe also for all other databases VARCHAR and not DATE is used to store the creation date. They use the unix time, either in nanoseconds or in milliseconds, so if you just remove the ‘’-’’ you’'ll get ugly creation dates. There are some perl and sed converters available, maybe you can create an export in milliseconds instead of a human readable date format or just live with the changed creation dates.


as for date, here is my suggestion:


INSERT INTO JIVEUSER VALUES(’‘foobar2’’,’‘foobar2’’,NULL,NULL,NULL,’‘1000DateDiff(“s”,#1/1/1970#,Date())’’,’'1000DateDiff(“s”,#1/1/1970#,Date())’’);


it works well in asp file.