Problem on Manual registration for YM, MSN and AOL


I’'m using the current beta version 1.06b of gateway plugins and its good that permission is now working but i have problem when setting up the Yahoo Messenger and other IMs to manual registration. I successfully registered the user to the Wildfire console but the problem is how is the user can change the password for YM when they logged into spark, they got Login failure on YM? For user security i dont want to get and ask YM or MSN password for registration. With this issue, is there a way that a user can change password on YM if manual registration is being selected on the spark client?

Need your advise and hopefully solution to this concern.



Crap Thanks for the report! GATE-161

Hey, I just sat down to work on this and found that I’‘m already checking for set password requests and allowing them on in. After looking over Spark a bit, I think the ‘‘problem’’ is that Spark doesn’'t offer an option to change your password (yet). I would post a request in the Spark Support forum for this functionality to be added! =)

Thanks, Jadestorm. By the way, is this part or integrated to 2.5 spark version of IM client? Enable the spark user change YM or MSN password manually?

randyj wrote:

Thanks, Jadestorm. By the way, is this part or integrated to 2.5 spark version of IM client? Enable the spark user change YM or MSN password manually?

The ability to change your YM or MSN passwords is not in any XEP specs unfortunately, but I have implemented it via ad-hoc commands under PyAIMt and PyICQt. Will work with Derek at some point to try to work out a good way to implement this with Spark. Either way, I created an issue for it:
