Hi, Dele!
Can You help me with the plugin red5.war?
I want to change video res:160х120 to 320x240 in conference ‘12 person’.
But first I tried just to compile original videoconf.lzx to swf.
I used Windows XP SP2, Java EE SDK 5.0 Update 1, OpenLaszlo 3.4,
command С:\OLS34\lzc.bat videoConf.lzx
I got videoConf.swf (78796 bytes) renamed to videoConf.lzx.swf and replaced original file (78740 bytes) with it.
I assembled plugin by command C:\sun\sdk\jdk\bin\jar cvf red5.war .
I reinstalled plugin on server.
I chose any link in part “12 person audio/video conference”, then opened empty white page with yellow inscriptions (test1 test2 test3 audio: on video:on) and no video. Why?