I´m experiencing a problem with the tree in spark. There is a sub sub structure that is already created but when i try to close it , the structure isn´t completely closed as i need. Below are some images attached trying to illustrate the problem.
The big issue is that i´m not able to close completely the tree as the images shown in my first post . You can see in these imagens that i have circle the problem.
I had previously tested the version 2.6.0 beta and i got the same problem. The alphabetic order doesn´t matter to me. What i wanna is that the sub group " Marketing" stay hidden when i close the main group “Gerencia” , but as you can see I was not able to make it happen so far.
With the latest SVN version i dont see your issue. I have real group Users and i have created new group and gave it sharing name as Users :: Nest1 :: Nest2 and if i collapse Users group i dont see Nest1 group. But Spark has a lot of bugs with nesting dating the first versions of this client and they are still not fixed. One of them SPARK-709