As the topic says a user who has characters like åäö in their password can’t logg in. I’m using LDAP connection.
the same problem with russian-character passwords
it seems like this bug:
would be nice to get the developers word on this issue, heh
We’re having the same problem with ANSI characters (characters from 128 to 255, ASCII is from 0 to 127).
For all other users benefit from what i can see the config file is saves as XML strict (purely ASCII). because non-ascii characters may cause a problem, they’re converted to ‘nice’ ascii (e.g. “& amp#000;” where “000” is some number probably from 128 to 255)
A workaround is - i just went into the config file and under the <adminPassword> just overwrote with my original password, and restarted openfire. then i can log on again. this may or may not cause problems because as the XML is parsed, unexpected characters could cause problems and openfire have probably not tested with this - i.e. it’s a hack. use in production at your own risk
A better workaround would be to create another basic user account in Active Directory - the only thing the AD account is used for is to read AD information as far as I can see (it doesn’t write to AD), so a better solution is to create a user account with limited access and a plain ASCII password and use that as the openfire admin account. I haven’t tested this but can’t see why it wouldn’t work.
Hope this helps.