Problems w/ clients authenticating in clients other than Spark

Problem: Testing 3.5.1 on a new system (current server running 3.5.0 working flawlessly for the past 90 days). Running on Windows with the embedded database. Setting the server’s domain to what it will be when it goes live (a static public ip address). I create a test user account then try to connect to it with the local ip address. Doing the last step with spark works just fine. However, when I try another client, such as Psi, or Pandion, or Pidgin, or Digsby they all fail to authenticate. I get the ssl certificate so I know it’s communicating with the server, but they all fail to authenticate.

I have tried creating an account via the client and, though this is enabled server side, it says that it is disabled.

I have tried enabling anonymous logins but, again, my attemps to login with something other than Spark fails.

Any help is welcome and much appreciated.

Thank you,


And I just realized I should of proof read my title before submitting… : )

Solution: recreated the server using the local ip address. Clients were able to authenticate properly. For testing purposes will recreate server using the public IP address that it will end up using and use spark only as a client until the server swap is implemented.
