Problems with start openfire service ""

Hi All

look, always should run this command:

root@server [/]# ./opt/openfire/bin/
Openfire 3.6.4 [19-may-2009 17:43:25]
Consola de administración escuchando en:
Starting Client Control Plugin
Starting Fastpath Server
Starting Monitoring Plugin

if i close the putty command line… this service down… and after is neccessary again run… somebody know some way for always this service are permanently up?


You want to start the service. Try:

/etc/init.d/openfire start

That should start Openfire correctly as a background service, not tied to your login.

hi thx for answer


root@server [/]# /etc/init.d/openfire start
Starting openfire:
root@server [/]# /etc/init.d/openfire restart
Shutting down openfire:
Starting openfire:
root@server [/]# service openfire status
openfire is running
root@server [/]#

but not connet, i try again with

root@server [/]# ./opt/openfire/bin/
Openfire 3.6.4 [19-may-2009 18:19:04]
Consola de administración escuchando en:
Starting Client Control Plugin
Starting Fastpath Server
Starting Monitoring Plugin

and few seconds after connect…


What is the openfire**.sh** file? I have only openfire (without .sh). Is this your custom file? I installed OpenFire from .tar.gz distribution.

Anyway you can try /opt/openfire/bin/ & to launch your script in background.

Best regards



i installed with .rpm with this guide:

i installed the version 3.6.4, some time the file openfire.xml change alone of user , change daemon to root… that’s wierd…jeje but the important is know why not always are the service up…

thx for help


there is no .sh file in tar.gz package. I have a lot of Java SDKs on my Linux boxes (1.4, 1.5, 6.0) thus I’ve never downloaded any packages with JRE inside.

Anyway its interesting for me: how is your OpenFire now ?



hi chur,

thx for answer, i installed in a centos 5 with cpanel , i have installed tomcat then have JDK and run fine, try some times with openfire 3.6.4, but downgrade to 3.6.3 but with tar.gz, after install not appear errors.

anyway thx for your help