Publish Subscribe with Smack


I want to create an application of publish subscribe

1 - to create a node in a local server Openfire3.3.0,(or ejabberd),

2 - to publish information on this node,

3 - to allow the users to be registered on this node and to receive information.

please help me has to start by giving me interesting links, codes…

I already developed with the library “smack” various applications, but I need to add publish subscribe which does not exist yet in the jabber’'s client.

thank you to help me

visited links:

=> nge=last90days&userID=&numResults=15&rankBy=10001


All proposals are the welcome.
gateway.jar (1084543 Bytes)

jchittoda has the PubSub code that was submitted (by me). You may want to check with him to see what he plans.



Thank you to have answered, I try to contact “jchittoda” and meanwhile I try to find the error on my code, I think that it is an error of compatibility I use openfire 3.3.0, smack 3.0.2 and su-smack 1.2 as soon as I add su-smack I have errors.

hello, in the first time I want to thank “PouncePony” and “jchittoda” which gave me a great help.

Now I will want to know if each Jabber server support the service publish/subscribe or :

  • is necessary it to add packets to my local server?

  • is it necessary to have rights if i want to use an external server?

Thank you for all that you give.

does nobody have an answer?

Not all servers support that extension. However, the two most important ones (OpenFire and ejabberd) have this feature built-in. Unfortunately, gtalk does not.


i succeed to create node in my LOCAL server OpenFire(support Publish/Subscribe), so i will continue in this way.

Thank’'s for all

anlumo wrote:

Not all servers support that extension. However, the two most important ones (OpenFire and ejabberd) have this feature built-in. Unfortunately, gtalk does not.

Note that you can use an external component with Publish-Subscribe support to add support to servers that do not support this by default.

val wrote:


I think that it is an error of compatibility I use openfire 3.3.0, smack 3.0.2 and su-smack 1.2 as soon as I add su-smack I have errors.

Yes it was a problems of compatibility, so now i use smack 2.2.1 and su-smack1.2 . and i added commons-logging-java1.1 , i have no problems, i succeeded to connect to server openfire with no problems