Pubsub affiliation member error

Hi all,

I have been trying to create a whitelist for my pubsub node and no success yet. Everything goes on very well till the point where I add the members through affiliation request, which setes the affiliation to “member” for specified JIDs. Server accepts the request with no error. But the moment I request the affiliations for the pubsub node, it returns “outcast” instead of “member”.

Here are my requests and responses:

set affiliation request:

<body rid='2568800008' xmlns='[](' sid='6215ff3c'><iq to='pubsub.***.***``.2.1' type='set' xmlns='jabber:client' id='1735:sendIQ'><pubsub xmlns='[](``#owner'><affiliations node='hello_pubsub_7'><affiliation jid='arash@***.***.2.1' affiliation='member'/``></affiliations></pubsub></iq></body>

set affiliation response:

<body xmlns=''>
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="result" id="1735:sendIQ" from="pubsub.***.***.2.1" to="ubuntu@***.***.2.1/6215ff3c"/>

get affiliation request:

<body rid='2568800013' xmlns='' sid='6215ff3c'>

<iq to='pubsub.***.***.2.1' type='get' xmlns='jabber:client' id='1736:sendIQ'>

<pubsub xmlns=''>

<affiliations node='hello_pubsub_7'/></pubsub></iq></body>

get affiliation response:

``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ```

It is just “publish-only” and “member” that are not working. “publisher”, “owner” and “outcast” are fine.

Not sure if it is a bug or there is something missing in my code.

Thanks in advance