Hi There,
I’m working on a chat client based on Smack (for Android) and I’m looking to be able to send a single message stanza to modify the status of multiple subscribers, from the owner of the node - please see Modify Subscriptions
As far as I understand, this is not already implemented in the pubsub module, right ? So really my question is, how should I go about implenting it ? Assuming nobody has something in progress ?! (I have to be optimistic
My initial thought was to implement something within my client code package, but it seems that because PubSubManager.sendPubsubPacket is private, it needs to be done within the smack/pubsub package.
So, it looks as if I would need to extend the existing Node class, by adding a new “modifySubscriptionAsOwner” function, calling sendPubsubPacket / createPubsubPacket
and adding a new SubscriptionsExtension class. This latter could use multiple SubscribeExtension and UnsubscribeExtension instances internally.
Any advice or criticism gratefully received, before I dive in…!