PubSub proxy subscription

Is there anyway to allow for ‘proxy’ PubSub subscription in OpenFire?

I want to subscribe to a node in pubsub service in OpenFire for some entities that I have received message from. The subscription request is sent from me in place of the other entities. I’m login to OpenFire as admin. But I’m getting a ‘bad-request’ error:

<invalid-jid xmlns="[]("/>
<subscribe xmlns="[]("/>
<invalid-jid xmlns="[]("/>

The subscribe element is wrong. It should not have the xmlns attribute and it requires a node and jid attribute. Here is valid example.

<subscribe node='princely_musings' jid='francisco@denmark.lit'/>

I’m trying to use the Smack library to subscribe to a Node in openfire and I’m getting this same error.

My code is as follows:

public Node subscribeToNode(String topic, String user, ItemEventListener itemListener) throws XMPPException {
LeafNode node = psm.getNode(topic);
return node;

Where topic is a valid topic already created on the server, and user is a valid user name on the server.

The message sent is:

And the response is:

<subscribe xmlns="[]("/>
<invalid-jid xmlns="[]("/>

The initial node configuration is as follows:

public void createTopicNode(String topic, String DataType, boolean persistent) throws XMPPException {
ConfigureForm form = new ConfigureForm(FormType.submit);
Node n = psm.createNode(topic, form);

Everything looks right to me, so I’m not sure what’s going wrong.

Figured it out, I think.

It’s the mismatch in JIDs, the system is only sending jid=“user”. It seems to me that by the spec, Openfire should automatically be able to figure out that “user@localhost.localdomain” is the full JID. In fact, it seems to me that it is, given the return error value.

This is also odd from the perspective of using the API, since I can login with just the bare username without including the full domain.