Purge Message Archiving

Is there a way to purge messages out of message archiving? I have some test messages in there that were sent when we were setting up and testing the openfire software.

you need to manually remove the data from the database at this point. this is rather easy if you are not using the embedded database. if you are I do not know how easy or difficult it will be.

Sorry, but I am not that familiar with removing items from the database, how would you do that? This is where my database resides: C:\Program Files\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire

I do not know how to edit the embedded database. I have never been able to successfully edit that database in any way. I now use MySQL with my server.

What table is this info in?


Got it

Thanks for the quick reply…


Example to remove all conversation content from MySQL tables (through 2008-10-10 in this example):

DELETE FROM ofMessageArchive where FROM_UNIXTIME(sentDate/1000) < ‘2008-10-10’;

This only deletes the conversation content. Not the record of the conversation. Not sure how to cleanly purge the record of the conversation. Anyone?


Hi I’m new to this and i have configured the mysql. there are lot of test chats during the customization time i have sent. How can i remove those. every time i open that table the delete row option is disabled.