Question regarding update process 3.10.3 -> 4.0.0 (CentOS 7)

We are using OpenFire with an user repository based in OpenLDAP. As we would not like to use the LDAP groups but configure them ourselves we switched the configuration setting for to This works fine.

When trying to update I followed the upgrade guide for RPM based systems. However, when following this guide strictly, the new openfire.xml file will not be used as it will be created as openfire.xml.rpmnew. I tried to use it, however, I ended in a clean installation, making me configuring the LDAP connection again and losing all manually created groups.

So my question is: Is it really the supposed upgrade path just to update the RPM and start OpenFire again or do I have to adopt changes from openfire.xml (or something else)?

Thanks in advance!