I’m using Whack & Tinder to create an external component and have discovered a race condition on initial startup.
It appears that the packet processing executor pool is actually started before the AbstractComponent’s ‘preComponentStart()’ method is called.
I’ve tracked this back to here:
* Initialize the abstract component.
* * @see org.xmpp.component.Component#initialize(org.xmpp.packet.JID,
* org.xmpp.component.ComponentManager)
public final void initialize(final JID jid, final ComponentManager componentManager)
throws ComponentException {
compMan = componentManager;
this.jid = jid;
// start the executor service.
I’m thinking that this should simply call ‘start()’, which would in turn start the executor; here:
* Default implementation of the start() method of the {@link Component}
* interface. Unless overridden, this method doesn't do anything. We get
* called once for each host that we connect to, so we have to take care to
* avoid double initialization.
public void start() {
preComponentStart(); // reset the 'last activity' timestamp.
lastStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
// start the executor service.
Any thoughts? Possible to include with the next release?