Has anyone deployed Openfire with more than 1,000 users? If so, what kind of cpu and memory usage have you seen? The requirements listed at http://www.jivesoftware.com/products/openfire/resources/requirements.jsp are overly pessimistic. (384 MB RAM and 1.5 GHz as the minimum hardware recommendation?)
Yes. Near zero, but it entirely depends on what your users are doing / how many shared rosters there are / how many buddies they have / how many s2s connections you will have. Do you have a handle on what your users will be doing?
s2s: 0 connections (for now)
buddies: don’t know, but I’ll say an average of 10 buddies
shared rosters: for the sake of discussion, 0
what are they doing: they’re all currently logged in, and all engaged in a chat with someone else. which makes 500 concurrent chat sessions, right?
Thanks, that helps to put things into perspective. I don’t see any taxing load this would cause on your server as I handle a similiar load to this and see hardly any CPU usage (load overage never above 0.2 that I have noted) on 512mb / 2 Ghz.
thanks daryl. what is your actual memory usage out of the 512 MB that you have available?
You are welcome.
Currently, 167.83 out of 506.31 MB (33.9%). 300 connected clients at the moment. I don’t think I have seen that number over 300 MB