Rebuilding problem

Hi, I’'m tryng to rebuild the project, but I got some problems.

I’‘ve added a public method to the org.xmpp.packet.Presence, but If a do a reflection on the recompiled server I don’'t see the new method.

If I enter the messenger.jar file, I can’'t find my modifications to the file.

Am I missing something?



How did you build your server? Did you use the ant buildfile that comes with the project? Make sure that you execute the ant jar target before you run your project. You can extra information on this in the url= e-build.htmlJive Messenger Source Build Instructions[/url]

I use ant with the build.xml included in the project.

I’'ve tried to add a System.out in and the change works successfully.

If I try to add the same System.out in and I do an “ant jar”, nothing changes.

Is there some problem with build.xml?



Apple PowerBook - osx 10.4.2 - compiling with java 1.5.0_02

Hi Marco,

During the Messenger build process the build script “explodes” the whack.jar file and uses the Presence java file contained within it. So, to modify that class you’'ll want to check the whack project out of SVN, make your changes, and then rebuild the jar file.

Hope that helps,


ok, it works!!!

