RED5 + SIP Server registration


I have a problem with registration to SIP server.

I have installed a RED5 plugin and SIP plugin ON FREEBSD 6.4 AND CENTOS 5.4

I am using for SIP server Asterisk.

When I logIn in sparkweb and when click the phone icon the message that I see is “You phone is not registered”.

In Openfire admin at Phone maping I see that the status for this user is Registering but no MSG are sent to Astersik.

The situation is same with Red5Phone I have success connect but there is no messages that are sent to Asterisk.

When I test the rtmp:/sip it told me that the connection is success

I have open the folowing ports at my mashine.

openfire java 10896 33 tcp4 *:7777 :

openfire java 10896 35 tcp4 *:5229 :

openfire java 10896 37 tcp4 *:5269 :

openfire java 10896 46 tcp4 *:9090 :

openfire java 10896 50 tcp4 *:9091 :

openfire java 10896 54 tcp4 *:5230 :

openfire java 10896 62 tcp4 *:5222 :

openfire java 10896 65 tcp4 *:5223 :

openfire java 10896 134tcp4 *:1935 :

openfire java 10896 139tcp4 *:8000 :

openfire java 10896 142tcp4 *:7070 :

openfire java 10896 145tcp4 *:7443 :

Message was edited by: maximus

I find the problem.

I use other JDK for Linux was openJDK and for FreeBSD diablo…