Red5 Spark plugin / Remove menu and context entries

Hi community

I am successfully running Spark 2.5.8 with Openfire 3.6.4.

Spark uses Red5 0.0.6 Plugin which works flawless! Now I want to remove the video roster and the desktop sharing usability by simply remove the specific entries in the context menu. Finally there should be only the “Call” button to establish a 2 person video chat.

I extracted the red5.jar file and found the java file which contains the instance for the context menu entries:


When I comment the lines to initialize the context menus, repack the jar, stop Spark, remove existing red5.jar from plugins dir (install dir and profile), the menu still exists.

Has anyone successfully modified the context menus of the Red5 plugin?

Thanks in advance.

Well, you need to rebuild the .java files into .class files once you change the source code.

For that you need to setup a development enviroment (JDK, ant) for spark to rebuild at least the plugin.

There are some documents that explain how to do it. Search for them in the Community environment.

Hey Stickman!

Thanks, that was it. I forgot that step. The JRE is already present.

I used the existing c.cmd batch and adopted the paths inside. Very very easy to use.