I am fairly new to Openfire and Redfire. I am interested in using both to create pre configured point to point video conferences over both corporate networks and the internet. I am using Openfire 3.7.0 and Redfire and am very happy with the results I have achieved so far.
As I understand it Redfire uses RTMP protocol packaged into HTTP on port 1935 as standard. Is this correct?
Can anybody let me know how I can configure the RTMP to be encrypted (HTTPS) and also use port 443? 443 is the only port that is open throughout.
Is it possible to have both a HTTP listener and RTMP listening on the same port on a server (using server applets or similar)?
As I understand it Redfire uses RTMP protocol packaged into HTTP on port 1935 as standard. Is this correct?
Not quite. Redfire has an embedded Red5 server which accepts RTMP connections from Adobe Flash Player or other RTMP clients on port 1935. There is a HTTP tunnel version of RTMP called RTMPT supported in Red5, but not available from Redire because it needs the root web service already used by HTTP-BIND in Openfire.
RTMP connections can be encrypted, just use rtmpe:/xmpp instead or rtmp:/xmpp for example.
Next obvious question for me would be whether there are plans to support HTTPS tunneling using RedFire in the near future or would I be advised to start looking at a Red5 (or other) server development?
RTMPT and RTMPS have a performance overhead and are only used when there is no choice like a firewall in route. RTMPS is a pain to setup because of the SSL certificates