Regarding bug in privacy list isDefault method

Hi all,

I found a bug on the PrivacyList isDefault() if i m getting the Privacy list from the method

PrivacyList plist = privacyListmanager.getPrivacyList(“xyz”);

boolean isDefault = plist.isdefault();

even if the privacy list is set the default one in openfire database(isDefault in the gatewayregistration table) it returns the false.

Please can anybody help to resolve this.

Thanks and Regards,



do you have this problem with the first list you did create or with all lists (after setting one to the new default one)? After a re-login this should also be no problem.

isDefault is stored in the ofPrivacyList table.


With all lists after logout as well …

Hi Mukesh,

can you provide a test-case to reproduce this issue. For me Openfire does return the default privacy list when logging in so I would say that this works fine.