Roster hiding with one click in systray broken in 2.0.8?

After upgrading to 2.0.8 on two machines, this feature seems to have gone away. Anyone else?


It has gone away for the 2.0.8 release due to some limitations and complaints by users. The issue lies more with the tray implementation and should be fixed in the 2.5 release using a better tray api.



The issue for this is SPARK-483.



ddman wrote:

The issue for this is SPARK-483.

But it says “Add double click feature on tray icon using improved api”. What about single click?

ddman wrote:
and complaints by users.

What were the complaints?

UPD: Probably 2 last posts here:

the second should be fixed, as about first one, it could be an option (like in Miranda), but we know you dont like to add new preferences

the second one, in Free Download Manager there is a small (1 sec or like that) gap between first click and when tray icon reacts to clicking again. So there is no such effect of window appearing and quick hiding after double-click.

So in 2.5 Beta 2 it works in FDM way. A smal gap after first click, so double clicker wount be hurted Great