Roster loss after manual contact/group add with shared LDAP groups


I am using Spark 2.5.8 with OpenFire 3.6.4 and LDAP connectivity. I am sharing some LDAP groups and the users get all the groups with their contacts without problems. The username and JIDs are 4 digit initials in lower case!

The problem: If someone in Spark starts to add manual groups and contacts, he and the added contact(s) loose(s) the entire shared roster. That leads that the presence of the contacts are not updated anymore or if he logs out Spark and logs in again, he doesn’t get the roster with the shared groups from Openfire anymore.

If I look in admin console of Openfire, the roster of the contact who has lost his buddies is empty. The funny thing, all other contacts have the “victim” (which has lost his roster) as JID with upper-case! Unfortunately I cannot change the JID or subscription because it’s from a shared group (got exception).

The only solution to cleanup this situation is to restart Openfire. But after a while the same happens. Cleaning Cache does not solve the problem. The groups have to be reshared and this is only possible by restart Openfire. But I cannot restart the server every 30min!

I also reinstalled and cleaned all Spark folders from a “victim”. Nothing…

Is this a bug or a feature? Is it normal that OF removed the shared roster if someone starts to add manual contacts or group in Spark?

I am really stucked with this problem and I want to implement this chat solution in our company. But it’s very hard to argument to the management when such bugs are present.

Thanks for any hint, help, solution, etc.



Nobody a clue?

After investigating more, I found out that the trigger of loosing the entire roster is not the manual adding of users/group. It’s related to the join of a group chat.

I have 2 rooms created and every member joining one of those rooms and the nickname is shown in upper cases will loose the roster and the UID is also changed into upper cases. For some miracle not every user is affected. But definitely if the Nickname in the room is shown in upper cases…pew…the roster is one.

Does anyone deal with this problem too?