RosterListener is working with XMPPConnection but not with BOSH Connection


I am using the RosterListener for tracking the Presence status.

RosterListener is working fine with XMPPConnection but not with BOSH Connection.

When I am using XMPPConnection, presenceChanged() method is executing and getting the users presence but when I am using BOSHConnection when the user changes his presence, it is getting reflected in Openfire Admin Console but the presenceChanged() method is not getting called.


ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(“ipaddress”, 5222, “domainname”);

XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(config);


BOSHConfiguration config = new BOSHConfiguration(false,“ipaddress”, 7070, “/http-bind/”, “domainname”);

BOSHConnection connection = new BOSHConnection(config);

Does anyone face the same problem with BOSHConnection.

Please help us to resolve this presence status issue using BOSH Connection
