I have just successfully upgraded to Wildfire 2.6.1, and am running Spark 1.1.3.
I noticed (even with 2.5.1) that as people sign into the system the roster is not updating. If I sign out & sign back in the roster gets updated.
I have my system firewalled, and allow Wildfire to act as a server on ports 5222,5223,7777.
Is this a bug, or did I shoot myself in the foot with the firewall? Thanks! Looking forward to 1.1.4!
I just installed Spark 1.1.4, and released it to my users, and I’'m still seeing the same thing.
One unrelated incident I did have reported was a user upgraded to 1.1.4 and was told he was still running 1.1.3.
Is anyone else seeing the roster not updating? It’'s almost like I connect, get the current user list & it ends there. However, if I search in the “offline” users for someone I know to be online I can chat with them normally, but their color is still grey.
I don’‘t think this is a Spark issue. I’‘ve had two people running different clients experiencing the same problem. I’'ll check my server configuration & repost in the Wildfire forums.