Running Openfire behind a NAT & accessing from outside

Hello Friends,

I have installed Openfire openfire-3.8.0-1.i386.rpm & sparkweb_0_9_0 on a RHEL 6.3 with Zimbra Collaboration Suite NetworkEdition 8.0.2 (for LDAP).

The Zimbra server hostname is “”, also the openfire server kept this name while initial setup. The clients (Pidgin, Spark, OctroTalk , XABBR) can talk to the server using the local LAN IP Address - 192.X.X.X.

If we want to access the openfire server (using the clients & the sparkweb UI) which ports we need to open in our firewall (there will be NAT with a public ip against the local LAN ip). Also tell me if we need to add any DNS records in the globar DNS)

At minimum you will need to open tcp/5222 to allow XMPP clients to connect. If you want SparkWeb also, you will need to open whichever port you have that configured to use.

As for DNS, you will probably want to add SRV records to so users don’t have to manually specify which host they are connecting to. You can find information on that here:

Thanks David,

I will open the ports & add the DNS entries.

Will keep updating about the status…