What I love of MotD plugin is that you can give an incentive to users for login in your server.
What I hate of MotD plugin is that with the current implementation you must change the message manually every day.
For this reason I have create a script that change the message everyday.
First of all I decided download a package that gives you the new message. But you can get the new message from where you prefer:
aptitude install fortune
You can search the different themes with ‘aptitude search fortune’
I changed the mysql field (plugin.motd.message). But it didn’t work because MotD plugin stores some information in the java cache. So, what you have to do is send the information in html POST way.
I attach the script.
- I haven’t try the https connection yet. So, be careful with the script permissions/location, because your password is clear there.
- It’s necessary truncate the text in the message because POST-DATA convert spaces in ‘+’.
- If there are some problems with wget you can use the debug option (-d) and delete the output option (-O).
I hope this will be useful for somebody.