Scrollbar behavior in Spark windows

In both the chat window and the roster window, the scrollbar doesn’t seem to follow typical UI behavior. If you click on the additional space on the scrollbar either above or below the position indicator (sorry I’m not sure what else to call that part of the scrollbar), it only moves a few lines. In most windows applications, clicking that space acts as a page down or page up.

Some of our users are missing the ability to page up/down in Spark windows and would prefer to be able to do this by clicking on the blank part of the scrollbar as they can in other applications.

Thanks for considering this.

I can’t reproduce your problem on Windows XP. For me clicking on the free space works like page down or page up keys and if i clock and hold, then i can scroll till the end of the list. Also page down and page up buttons work in the roster list, but only inside of the expanded group.

I’m also using Windows XP Professional and Spark 2.5.8. Everyone in my office has the same combination and it’s behaving this way for all of them.

If you click on the additional space on the scrollbar either above or below the position indicator (sorry I’m not sure what else to call that part of the scrollbar), it only moves a few lines.
One click - few lines, one more click - another few lines. That’s the expected behavior and how other Windows applications behaves. So, in your environment if you click another time it won’t move at all? And if you click in the free space and hold, slider won’t move towards that spot you have clicked on? Then i have no clue what can influence that. Try deleting jre directory in Spark installation dir and installing newest version of Java JRE.