Search plugin without showing e-mails of user

Hello all,

what can I do to have the search plugin not showing any email adresses of users, whean applying a search ?

Not entering the adresses is not an option

Any ideas, or has anyone done it yet ? Where could I look for ?


without knowing the code … but i think i shouldt be a great deal to search the plugin source and edit the passage where the email is returned … just return there an empty string

okay, would like to try that, BUT what file and what program to edit the file with ?

Would be the first time to do such thing.



here is more info to my setup as I use the integrated database for storing usernames.

I searched a bit around and found the following info, BUT this info is in regards to ldap for storing usernames


When new LDAP users are created the user’'s name and email visibility settings can be controlled by setting two Jive Properties.


Name Visibility

By default the user’‘s name is set to visible. This can be controlled by setting a Jive Property named ldap.user.defaultNameVisible to either true or false. If this Jive Property is set to true then the user’‘s name is set to visible when the user is first read from LDAP. If it is false then then the user’'s name is not visible when the user is first read from LDAP.

Email Visibility

By default the user’‘s email address is set to not visible. This can be controlled by setting a Jive Property named ldap.user.defaultEmailVisible to either true or false. If this Jive Property is set to true then the user’‘s email address is set to visible when the user is first read from LDAP. If it is false then then the user’'s email address is not visible when the user is first read from LDAP.

My question now: is there a wildfire property when using the embedded database ?

Any help or hint would be very appreciate.



if you register a user you can specify a lot of things via xmpp - Wildfire will store just the fields you can enter using the web admin console (username, name, email). These values have nothing to do with the vCard.

The wiki contains a nice tutorial how to setup Eclipse and Wildfire and how to compile it. There you should find a wildfire_src\src\plugins\search\src\java\org\jivesoftware\wildfire\plugin\Searc file which you may want to modify.


Hi turbo,

Just to give you (and everyone else reading this thread) a little “inside” info on the search plugin, the plugin doesn’‘t do any of the actual searching, rather it acts as an interface between clients and Wildfire’‘s internal search functionality. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to disable various search fields when using the DefaultUserProvider (database) like you can when using the LDAPUserProvider. It would quite easy to add this functionality to Wildfire the only downside is that you’'d have to wait for the next release of Wildfire to have it.

As a temporary work around I could certainly provide you with a version of the plugin that doesn’'t return email address after a search. Would you like users to still be able to search using email addresses?



Hi ryang,

yes, I would like to set the fields whci will be presented when doing the default search, as it is given with the default install, when NOT using LDAP.

For my public jabber server, I like to provide user search, BUT plain and simple WITHOUT the e-mails showing up. My concern is, that spammers will use a busy jabber server to gather e-mail addresses.

This is just easy performed as follows: create accout > make a search > and gather addresses

I haven’'t tried it yet with the email of the vcard, if this one is showing up. But the email address I enter from the admin console is showing up.

So, if you could provide me with such a version, I would very welcome this. I can’'t see that I am the only one who is concerned about it. For your last question:

Would you like users to still be able to search using email addresses?

No, I don’'t want to give any chance to present e-mail addresses. As a mailserver admin i know what fight it is to keep the crap out of the sytem.


Hi LG,

as I wrote in the other post, I haven’‘t tried yet the email of the vcard, but I know that the email which I can set for the user in the admin console IS showing up in the search (when using Pandion, haven’'t tried yet another client in detail). And as an jabber server admin, I would like to keep as much emails as possible from the users, just to be able to contact them if needed.

But I will check the tutorial, knowing more doesn’'t hurt.


Hi Ryang,

Just a quick follow-up on this. Did you had any chance to look into this ?


Hi turbo,

Yes, I did. After thinking about it some I decided the best approach would be to allow admins to disable certain fields from being searched at the plugin level rather than at the Wildfire level.

If you’‘d like to try out the new and improved plugin before I release it send me your email and I’'ll send you a copy.



Hi Ryang,

thank you for providing the new version for testing. Setting the search options as desired, the result was as expected. I tested it with wildfire 3.1.1 & 3.2.2. Clients: Pandion, PSI, Jeti webclient. All the tested clients are working correctly.

Testing was positiv. As you mentioned, it’'s ready for distribution.

Good job.
