Server is not sending Subscription approval notification

I am not be able to receive Subscription approval notification from the server when owner approves the subscriber

following is the flow i have run the test in PSI xml.

**A request for subscription **

<iq type='set'
  <pubsub xmlns=''>

immideate reply to subscriber

<iq from="" type="result" id="sub1" to=""
<pubsub xmlns="">
<subscription node="fdf72c24/loc" subscription="pending" subid="Howb8IplBlxCYKm1b9jb53RO909v09RF7QHJn3M0" jid="">

owner will get following response from server i.e. a request for subscription autorization


<message from="" to="" id="xxx">
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="form">
<title>PubSub subscriber request</title>
<instructions>Use the following form to approve or deny the subscription request.</instructions>
<field type="hidden" var="FORM_TYPE">
<field type="hidden" var="pubsub#subid">
<field type="text-single" label="Node ID" var="pubsub#node">
<field type="jid-single" label="Subscriber Address" var="pubsub#subscriber_jid">
<field type="boolean" label="Allow this JID to subscribe to this pubsub node?" var="pubsub#allow">

Now owner will approve the request by setting pubsub#allow by 1

<message to="" id="xxx">
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
<field type="hidden" var="FORM_TYPE">
<field type="hidden" var="pubsub#subid">
<field type="text-single" var="pubsub#node">
<field type="jid-single" var="pubsub#subscriber_jid">
<field type="boolean" var="pubsub#allow">

but the issue is once i send the approved request for subscription authorization , i am not be able to get the notification from server saying that

the node is subscribed to a requested subscriber.

as accroding to XEP-0060 protocol following stanza must be received when owner sends the possitive approval to server but i am not getting any approval from server to the owner.

  <event xmlns=''>
    <subscription node='princely_musings' jid='horatio@denmark.lit' subscription='subscribed'/>

it seems while configuring node notify_sub is not being supported by openfire that could be a reason.

but m still seeking for a solid answer

Can anyone please help me over this , as m in between my project and now i can’t even switch to anothe library

I have tested this againts openfire 3.7 and ejabber too with smack but still facing the same problem ,

any one has faced it yet ?

need a real help

I have updated the openfire from 3.7 to 3.8 , but still no notification is being sent to the subscriber when owner approves the subscription request.

this is getting frustrating , really don;t know what to do , as in application subscription type is Authorize

Any senior member or a developer please look over this n i would be pretty much greatful to them.

i can see in e/openfire/pubsub/

it only sends last published item when owner approves the subscription request and doesnt send the state subscribed to subscriber