Server Requirements to Run Fastpath Webchat

Hi All,

Could someone please confirm what is the minimium server requirements to ensure that Fastpath webchat functions optimally:


CloudLinux 5.7

Openfire 3.7.0

  • Fastpath Service Plugin Installed 4.2.0

  • Fastpath Webchat Plugin Installed 4.0.0

** (Under Fastpath Tab in Admin Console) Workgroups added

** Users assigned to workgroup

Spark IM 2.6.3

  • Fastpath tab visible in Spark IM 2.6.3

HTTP Binding Port 7070 enabled

The reason for my question is the fact that I get a error 404 when clicking on the Tools Tab located under the Fastpath tab in Admin console as well as when URL: is entered (see screenshot)

Your feedback will be much appreciated!

Kind Regards,


I don’t think server resources are responsible fot this error. Something diferent there.